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Serving Children & Families

Infant Formula shortage: see our Infant Formula Shortage handout and see under WIC (top of page) and MassHealth (top of page in aqua COVID-specific info box) for temporary program flexibilities.

WIC (The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children)

The WIC Program safeguards the health of low-income women, infants, & children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk by providing food vouchers for nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care. WIC is not an entitlement program- meaning that one might be eligible but unable to get assistance if funds have been exhausted. The federal government appropriates funds and they are available until they run out. Massachusetts however supplements these funds so that, so far, no one who is eligible will be turned away.

School lunch and Breakfast

Under FY24 MA budget provision, free school meals are now permanent for all regardless of income. Applies to K-12 public schools, nonprofit private schools and residential care institutions.

Eligible families are still encouraged to apply as eligiblity may offer additional benefits to the family and school. There are some instances where families may still be charged. Please see School lunch and Breakfast for more information.

Under MA law (as of October 2021), all districts where more than 50 percent of students are low-income to enroll in the community eligibility provision and provide free meals to all students, unless the school applies for a waiver and proves that it would cause the school financial hardship. The law also prohibits "Meal Shaming" - it prohibits schools from taking any action that would publicly identify a student whose family owes a meal debt, including providing them with an alternative meal that is not available to every student. Schools can no longer deny students the ability to participate in activities or receive their transcripts or grades due to meal debt.  (More information.)

Summer Food Program

When school is not in session, kids who participate in the school lunch/breakfast programs are at risk for hunger. The Summer food program allows day camps and recreational sites to provide lunch during these months. “Open” sites will serve all children under 18 (no ID required), “closed” sites only serve those enrolled in their programming. Unfortunately, by regulation, the Summer Food Program cannot serve anyone over 18, including accompanying parents.

Now No Kid Hungry, with the USDA, has developed an easy way to find local participating free summer meals programs. Just text “food” to 877-877 (or “comida” for a reply in Spanish).

Summer EBT

Low-income Massachusetts families with school-aged children will be eligible to receive financial assistance to buy groceries. Eligible families will receive one payment of $120 per child between July and September, corresponding to $40 per month. Families already enrolled in SNAP, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF; known in Massachusetts as Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children, or TAFDC), or some MassHealth plans will be automatically enrolled in the summer child nutrition program and do not need to take any action.

Note: this program is available regardless of immigration status.

Families who are not automatically enrolled can apply for the program directly on DTA Connect between June 15 and September 7, 2024 or via paper application from their school.

Summer EBT FAQs

Fair Foods Two Dollars a Bag

Two Dollars a Bag operates a “food rescue” program through a network of volunteers in Greater Boston. Two Dollars a Bag food distribution sites are in churches, schools, and senior housing complexes. For a suggested donation of two dollars, a family receives about 15 pounds of groceries (no one is turned away for lack of ability to pay).

Farmer’s Market Coupons

These coupons are available to elders from their local Council on Aging and to WIC members from their WIC counselor. They can be used like cash and are accepted at most farmers' markets.

The Massachusetts Children's Fund

The Massachusetts Children's Fund is a non-profit organization that gives jars of baby food and gently used baby supplies to families in need. The Children's Fund relies on food drives, private donations, and volunteer workers. The organization delivers jars of baby food to homeless shelters and community organizations. The jars of baby food supplement the infant formula and dry baby cereal given out by other programs.

Local Access to Food for Parents and Caregivers

Boston Residents: Food Resource List and Map (by Neighborhood)

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